Advance pain relief using sonic stimulation of soft tissue cells
New! Now with 3 power output settings!
The Portable Ultrasound 3rd Edition is a therapeutic ultrasound device that generates deep heat through a piezoelectric crystal sound head. Unlike electrical modalities, ultrasound is unique in that the longitudinal waveform associated with sound is not electromagnetic in nature. The piezoelectric crystal converts electrical energy into a strong vibratory sound wave or ultrasound, a sound beyond the normal range of our hearing.
Sound waves cause vibration in soft tissue cells, increasing temperature and inducing vasodilation
Treatment duration is determined by the medical practitioner and may range from 2-5 minutes depending on the conditions treated and anatomic target site.
Because air is a very poor sound conductor ultrasound gels are used to conduct the wave energy to the skin.
Package Includes:
1. Connect power wire to wire socket.
2. Connect AC adaptor to power.
3. Apply sufficient gel to skin at target area.
4. Switch on the power. It power signal light is on, start to use Portable Ultrasound.
5. Place the treatment head on the skin and move it slowly over the target area in a circular motion or in linear strokes at a rate of about 1 inch per second. DO NOT stop moving treatment head while in use.
6. Use special care on bony prominence's to avoid discomfort.
7. The power automatically turns off in 10 minutes or, if desired, the power can be turned off sooner by pushing the ON/OFF switch to OFF.
8. After using the US-1000, clean skin with water to remove gel.
9. Wipe excess gel off the treatment head with a damp cloth. Disinfect treatment head with antiseptic wipe. Do not immerse treatment head in water or solvent.
10. When power shuts off, leave unit off for 30 minutes before restarting unit.
11. After every treatment, disconnect AC adaptor from power source.
12. Do not impact the treatment head or drop treatment head on the floor.
Technical Specifications: